Henry Morgan

B.1952 – Adare, Co. Limerick

Henry Morgan is a distinguished Irish Painter whose work has both national and international acclaim.  Initially studying at the Limerick School of Art, his exceptional talent earned him a scholarship to Oslo University. Upon returning to Ireland, Morgan began an illustrious career, exhibiting extensively both domestically and internationally. His work has been prominently featured at prestigious venues such as the Irish Exhibition of Living Art, The Royal Hibernian Academy, and EVA in Limerick, among others.

Morgan draws profound inspiration from the Irish landscape, particularly the rugged terrains of the west of Ireland. These dramatic landscapes are  recurring themes  in his work,allowing him to establish a distinguished presence in the Irish art scene.   His ability to capture the essence of these natural environments has secured his position as a contemporary artist of significant substance, with his pieces included in numerous public and private collections.

Morgan’s canvases transcend mere representation, inviting the viewer into a realm where reality melds with the surreal. His landscapes are not merely representations of scenery but are deeply evocative, inviting viewers to explore their personal connections to the depicted locales. As Morgan explains, “Many of my paintings are inspired by flowing water, still ponds, and the sea.

In capturing the essence of Ireland’s wild terrains, Morgan has carved a niche as a contemporary artist of substantial merit. His works continue to speak to the soul, offering an immersive journey that celebrates the enigmatic beauty of the Irish landscape. His art is a tapestry of memory and place, woven with threads of light and shadow, echoing the timeless  spirit of Ireland itself.